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Our Local Offer 

A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support

services the local authority think will be available in their local area.   Every local authority is responsible for writing a Local Offer and making  sure it is available for everyone to see.  This is Jitterbugz Day Nursery's Local Offer which outlines our commitment to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities  

Please click the link below to see "What's on in Salford"...

How will the setting help my child settle in?

When a child initially starts with us we provide graduated settling in sessions where the staff familiarise themselves with the child’s individual needs, interests and abilities. This is the initial opportunity for the parents to identify any needs with the staff so that these can be catered for.  The parents and the staff complete an “All about me” form on this settling in session to identify the child’s likes, dislikes, strengths, needs and any concerns. 


Who can I contact for further information?


If you require any further information, would just like to speak to someone or arrange a visit to view the nursery please contact the nursery manager on 0161 775 1776 or send us an email to



How does the setting know if children need extra help?

When a child initially starts with us we provide graduated settling in sessions where the staff familiarise themselves with the child’s individual needs, interests and abilities. This is the initial opportunity for the parents to identify any needs with the staff so that these can be catered for.

We will work always with any other professionals involved with your child and will welcome them into our setting to ensure all round, co-ordinated support.   The parents and the staff complete an “All about me” form on this settling in session to identify the child’s likes, dislikes, strengths, needs and any concerns. 


On-going observations and assessments are made of all children and linked to the development matters ages and stages of development within the EYFS. This can help staff to identify individual children’s needs. Staff will record observations of children as they play and learn, using these to track their ages and stages of development. These observations will be shared with a child’s parents/ carers. If a child is tracking lower than their chronological age then the child’s key worker will share this information with parents/ carers, room leader, the setting SENDCO and the setting manager.  We have lots of opportunities to identify needs.  We complete 2 year progress checks, EYFS trackers, Termly trackers, Wellcomm tracking and at our parents meetings, should a discussion lead parents to highlighting any needs.


How will the setting support my child?

Each child has a key person. Their role is to develop trusting, sensitive relationships with parents and children to enable respectful sharing of information. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, then please ask for a time when you can discuss this in private with them. If your child’s key person has identified a possible individual need they will discuss the matter with you in private and put a plan together to support your child’s learning and development.


The setting has a trained SENDCO who can offer advice and support to the key person and room practitioners. The SENDCO will liaise with other professionals to seek advice and support in identifying individual needs if necessary.


Support and advice from the Area SENCO can be sought with parents’ permission.

If your child has an identified need the setting welcomes parents and professionals sharing reports with them in order to plan appropriately to meet individual needs including health care professionals such as health visitors, speech and language therapists identify children’s individual needs.


If necessary, staff, parents and the nursery SENDCO will work with the child’s key person to provide personal plan for each individual child based around their abilities and interests. This is called a play plan; staff carry out a child’s play plan during each session recording the child’s progress. 


These play plans are shared with the parents who are encouraged to add their comments. We work on targets for the children, which are SMART. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely).

The play plans are reviewed every six weeks.  We invite the parents to look over the play plan with the child’s key person and then encourage the parent/carer to comment about their child’s progress over the last six weeks.  We then either repeat the target if it has not been met or we would look at adapting the target to make it more achievable or more challenging if the target has been met.   

If a child needs further additional support the setting will then discuss the child’s next steps with parents this could include making a referral to other services. The SENDCO will liaise with other professionals (with the parents consent) such as Speech and Language Therapists and Health Visitors to gain further advice in supporting each individual child.  The SENDCO and the key person will work collaboratively to ensure that these targets and strategies are implemented.


How will I be involved in my child’s learning?

Parent’s communication is something which we value and the staff will work together with the parents to ensure that every child’s learning journey is supported.


During the settling in periods, the staff will work closely with parents and carers to ensure a smooth transition from home to nursery and to settle the child into the nursery. During the very first visit, the staff will complete the ‘All about me’ form which collects lots of information about the child so that we can understand the child’s individual routines, needs, interests and abilities.


Every day, parents are encouraged to work together with the staff by providing “stories” from home to keep us informed of new interests so that this can be incorporated in the activities that are planned for that child.


We hold termly parents meetings, which the parents will be invited to.  This gives parents a chance to review their child’s progress and gives them an opportunity to have a more in-depth discussion with the key person. However, as we operate an open door policy, the parents may discuss any issues with us at any time.

Every child has their own learning journey portfolio that the parents can view at any time. The parents are encouraged to add their views and comments


How will the setting support my child at times of change, such as moving to a new setting or starting school?

Transitions are an exciting yet challenging time for any child. Our staff ensure that these transitions are well planned and supported.


When a child first starts at our nursery, we will work with parents to arrange appropriate times for the child to visit the nursery in order to settle in slowly but surely.


When a child transitions to the Over 2’s room, the key person works with the new key person to relay and hand over relevant information for that child.


Then, the child will have a range of settling in sessions into the next room to secure successful transitions. The new key person will ensure that the child’s interests and needs are catered for and that the child is well adjusted to their new room, staff and friends.


When a child is ready to transition to school, we invite the new teachers, from all schools involved, to come and visit our nursery and meet their new children.  We have links with the local schools, therefore we have experience of working together to ensure a smooth transition for children starting school.  This includes completing a ‘One page profile’ for each child which informs their new teacher about the child’s individual needs, strengths, likes, dislikes and an overview of where they are working within the EYFS



What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?


All children have a Key person.  Having this key person ensures that

·         Each child is supported and listened to

·         Their individual strengths and needs are identified and plans put in place to support

·         Children feel secure

·         Positive attachment is promoted


The role of the key person is to keep up to date with the child and their development within our setting through using observation sheets, updating the child’s personal development records, updating the child’s individual planning and then sharing the information with parents and carers.


We have space available to offer as a calm spot for any children experiencing social struggles or in need of a quiet, relaxing area to collect their thoughts.


What training have staff supporting children with SEND had? Also what specialist services and expertise are available at the setting?


The setting has a trained SENDCO who can offer advice and support to the key person and room practitioners.


Support and advice from the Area SENCO can be sought with parents’ permission.


Across the nursery, the staff have a collection of qualifications; 


The nursery manager holds a Level 5.


The nursery practitioners all hold Level 2 and some Level 3. 


Some staff have completed an ILM Level 3 in Nursery Management.


All staff have completed Paediatric First Aid training.


All staff have completed Safeguarding and Child Protection training.


Staff working with babies have trained towards this specifically by completing the ‘Unique and Amazing Babies’ course.


Staff have attended the following training that supports their knowledge and understanding in the following areas…..


·         EYFS (Introduction to EYFS, Beginners guide to EYFS)

·         Observation, Assessment and Planning

·         Special educational needs and disabilities

·         Quality teaching in early years

·         Safeguarding

Once the staff have attended any courses, we get together and hold a staff meeting to discuss what was covered and what knowledge was gained.


How accessible is the setting environment?


When a child starts with us, we always make sure that all of their needs can be catered for.  If adaptions were needed for the physical layout of the nursery then we would certainly look at making reasonable adjustments where possible.  


If the family has English as an additional language then they will be encouraged to share key words in their home language for the key person to use with the child.  Picture flash cards and classroom signs would be made to support this too. We also use objects of reference.  This is a well-established approach.  Objects of reference can aid understanding of spoken language, support understanding of daily routines and provide a means of expressive communication.


We have policies and procedures in place which are reviewed annually ensuring that our resources and environments are accessible for all.


The nursery SENDCO will work with the key person to provide personal plans for each individual child based around their abilities and interests.  The SENDCO will liaise with other professionals (with the parents consent) such as Speech and Language Therapists and Health Visitors to gain further advise in supporting each individual child.  The SENDCO and the key person will work collaboratively to ensure that these targets and strategies are implemented.


Additional information

Your child is your pride and joy and at Jitterbugz, we aim to make them our pride and joy too!  As a childcare provider, we feel it is important that all of the children in our care have the opportunity to experience a varied and wide curriculum.  Children learn a great deal within their first years of life, so we aim to give them the very best start by providing a caring, fun and stimulating environment.


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